Green Houses
Green Houses Phone 386277-2851 Fax 386 277-2852
Greenhouse kits & DIY greenhouses for the advanced and beginning gardener. Why place a mini greenhouse in your backyard?
Because a greenhouse lets you control the growing environment and therefore enables you to grow whatever type of plant you want.
We’ve all seen plants that we would love to be able to grow, only to think that our natural growing environment just wouldn’t support that type of plant or flower.
Some plants need more sun; some less.
Some plants need a moist growing environment; some need a dry one. With a greenhouse of your very own, you have the ability to master the growth of any plant you wish to see in your own yard.
One of the main reasons why people place greenhouses on their property is so that they can
extend their growing seasons.
Utilizing the strengths of a quality greenhouse kit, you can begin growing your favorite plants early in the spring, and oftentimes grow well into the fall months.
A greenhouse can actually allow the budding gardener to benefit all year long and feel like spring is in full bloom even in December.
Gigantic water lilys (right) – Victoria amazonica (giant Amazon water lilys) in an enormous greenhouse at the Saint Petersburg Botanical Garden, Russia.